Louis Turi | Aliens & Entities | Contact With Enlightened Beings

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Dr.Louis Turi about Aliens & Entities | Contact With Enlightened Beings. Dr. Turi speaks about his first contact with alien beings, an interaction that took place when he was a child while living in France. Louis says that the beings would enter his room at night and watch him sleep. At the time Louis would tell his mother that he was being visited by "big eyed monkeys" and she would shrug it off as an overactive childs imagination. This was a regular occurrence for Louis throughout his childhood and many of his nights were spent alone awaiting interactions with the alien beings. Louis says that they never harmed him but communicated with him telepathically even into his adult life. Louis also channels an inner ET by the name of Draco that has given him many prophecies and predictions that have come to pass over the years. In this interview Dr. Louis Turi also goes into detail about encountering UFOs, other worldly beings and experiences with Men In Black. TruthSeekah New Guided Meditation | The Throneroom Visualization https://gumroad.com/truthseekah 👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music 👉 http://www.Patreon.com/TruthSeekah Download This Episode On iTunes - https://goo.gl/1q5Uft Download On Android - https://goo.gl/kgRVzm 👍Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TruthSeekah 🐦Twitter https://twitter.com/TruthSeekah 🔴Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TruthSeekah/ 📷Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/TruthSeekah 💬Join Our Discord Chat https://discord.gg/y3jcQch 👕 SHIRTS https://goo.gl/ZaWxsD 🌕OFFICIAL http://www.TruthSeekah.com 🅿DONATE VIA PAYPAL http://www.Paypal.me/TruthSeekah http://www.TruthSeekah.com/Donate 📖Get Your FREE Audio Book! http://www.Audibletrial.com/TruthSeekah 📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 USA