Sleep Paralysis | Guardian Spirits of the Astral Realm | Sheila Pryce

The TruthSeekah Podcast - A podcast by TruthSeekah

Sleep paralysis... What is it? In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Sheila Pryce as they discuss Sleep Paralysis and the guardian spirits of the astral realm. I really enjoyed talking to Sheila Pryce, it seems that our studies have led us to similar conclusions on the subject on sleep paralysis and night terrors. Her analysis is that there are spirits who guard over the astral realm and even those who try and scare people away from tapping into their God given spiritual abilities. This is very similar to what I have found which is that almost every person who has had a sleep paralysis experience has indeed been called to be a spiritual healer in some capacity. The sleep paralysis experience for many (like myself) has served as a door into the spirit world. It has been the very thing that the enemy has meant for harm that God has in turn used for our good! I had my first experience when I was only four years old and I can trace everything that I am doing today back to the influence from that experience. Is has led me to ask the bigger questions and peer into the unknown even as an adolescence. I also see a similar connection within the kabbalistic studies that talk about different angelic beings who guard over the heavenly realms forbidding the profane and uninitiated to enter.Check Out Sheila's Website At's New Book Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) Guided Meditation | The Throneroom Visualization Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music👉 This Episode OniTunes - On Android -👍Facebook🐦Twitter🔴Reddit📷Instagram💬Join Our Discord Chat👕 SHIRTS🌕OFFICIAL🅿DONATE VIA PAYPAL📖Get Your FREE Audio Book!📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 US