S1 Ep20: 20. Reframing Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
The Unmasking Unschool Podcast - A podcast by SOLA Systems // Louisa Shaeri

Are you on my mailing list, sibling? Join here solasystems.xyz for bonus beams from The SOLA System, plus you'll get the link to join the FREE 'siblings' community of other creative neurodivergents also working to cultivate the self-clarity, self-acceptance and pride to BE who you are. Episode summary: Labels can be helpful. To help you name an experience. To have a way to refer to where you are at. And accept that this is where you are at. But they can also become your identity, locate a problem entirely in your body, and making it seem like this is just who you are. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, is one of those labels where it's both. It's helpful to name when you experience excruciating, all-encompassing and sometimes even physical pain in response to instances where you aren't given love, acceptance, approval and inclusion. But we also have to name the -isms (ableism, racism, behaviourism, gender-based prejudice...) that contributed to this heightened vigilance, and the ways these can be internalised as: your entire self is coupled-in-with the rejection. In this week's podcast episode, I take the RSD phrase, that originated in the clinical context, and reframe it from a coaching perspective; as one that you can heal and transform your experience of rejection. So that rejection doesn't come with an internal rejection of your whole self (the much bigger pain involved in RSD). RSD is really: self-abandonment as a response to rejection. The external triggering of internal self-rejection. That's good news, because it means you can work on it. _____________________ The sensory siblings podcast is hosted by Louisa Shaeri, and beaming to you from the The SOLA System + Siblings, the liberatory framework and unmasking unschool for creative, late identified autistic folks who are seeking another way to see, know and be yourself. This is a radical reimagining of what is possible when we redefine ourselves from within; by unlearning who we are not, making self connection our goal, activating the languages of our sensory oriented perception, and creating the culture shifts to activate futures + selves. It all starts within. TRANSCRIPT _____________________ Are you on my mailing list, sibling? Join here solasystems.xyz for email broadcasts from The SOLA System to help you work to cultivate the self-clarity, self-acceptance and pride to BE who you are. The SOLA System + Siblings, the 6 month online 'unmasking unschool' guiding you on a journey through The SOLA System, alongside a community of siblings to share the journey with. Learn more: solasystems.xyz/siblings