S2 Ep18: Neuroqueering Love, with Laurie Green
The Unmasking Unschool Podcast - A podcast by SOLA Systems // Louisa Shaeri

This week on the Unmasking Unschool Podcast, I invited previous podcast guest Laurie Green back onto the podcast, this time to talk about the culmination of what was once a vague dream, now realised as a tangible reality in the form of a BOOK. The BOOK: Deliquescent Beings: A Neuroqueering Book of Love https://www.neuroqueering.network/product/deliquescentbeings/ Neuroqueering Love: A Gathering: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/neuroqueering-love-a-gathering-tickets-1042904935737 Laurie's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neuroqueeringhumans/ Artists in the book: Axe Raulet Georgia Holman Ila Jess Murrain Laurie Green Lua Bairstow Rebecca Jagoe Rrangwane Sam Metz Sef V Westerman Artists for the gathering on 1st November: সঙ্ঘমিত্রা sanghamitra @the.poison.faeline Saint-Saëns @saintsaenssaid Hannah Mae Buckingham @natureb.y Georgia Holman @georgiaholman Oscar Vinter @oscarvinter Florin Garzotto @florin_garzotto Rrangwane @semausu.sa.pulayakgojana Quieting @quieting_sounds ___________ TRANSCRIPT ___________ The Unmasking Unschool Podcast is for autistic visionaries, creatives and change-makers. Who are seeking to exit the burnout cycles, pathology paradigms, masks and self-negations of the past that keep you stuck, and want to realise the self-reinventions, life pivots and culture-shifting projects to become your boldest most authentic self. Hosted by Louisa Shaeri, artist, coach, cultural activator, founder of SOLA Systems. Learn more at solasystems.xyz Subscribe to the mailing list HERE