Bonus Episode – Are Wind Turbines a Problem for Whales?

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast - A podcast by Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro


Joel and Allen deep dive into WHALES along the US East Coast. Does sonar scans at offshore wind sites affect whale behavior? The East Coast has an uptick in ship traffic - does ship density push up whale incidents? Visit Pardalote Consulting at Wind Power Lab - Weather Guard Lightning Tech - Intelstor - Sign up now for Uptime Tech News, our weekly email update on all things wind technology. This episode is sponsored by Weather Guard Lightning Tech. Learn more about Weather Guard's StrikeTape Wind Turbine LPS retrofit. Follow the show on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin and visit Weather Guard on the web. And subscribe to Rosemary Barnes' YouTube channel here. Have a question we can answer on the show? Email us!  153 Bonus Allen Hall: Welcome to a bonus episode of the Uptime Podcast. I'm Allen Hall, president of Weather Guard Lightning Tech. And I'm here with Wind Power Lab's Joel Saxum. And Joel and I have been looking at some of the whale incidents in the whale deaths that have been occurring on the northeast of the United States. Allen Hall: And it's raised a lot of issues along, along the East Coast, particularly with state and local governments that are concerned about these deaths, and there's a lot of finger pointing going on right now, Joel, in, in regards to what is causing these well deaths and are offshore wind turbine operations. Allen Hall: Particularly the sonar scans that are happening at the moment, harming the whales. And, and the whales they're, they're most interested in and are most concerned about are Right Whales because there's about 350, 400 right whales left on the planet and we wanna make sure we continue to that species. So when we see a right whale end up on the shoreline, particularly down in New Jersey lately, it raises a lot of concern. Joel Saxum: So, I mean, Allen we, you and I dug into a lot of the data and what the data tells us is that the majority, I think 58% we saw within US water were deaths of the right whales were due to fishing gear entanglement. And then the other large percentage of them was from vessel strikes. And there's a small percentage of them that they're, that, that are kind of mysteries. Joel Saxum: We don't, we don't know. Right. But the majority of them is from, from fishing and it would be commercial fishing of course. And vessel strike. So they've put in, in 2008. A government agency, I can't remember which one, put in a, a law and had certain areas that they blocked out basically during certain seasons, they know where they're doing ca where calving is, they know where the whales are traveling to their feedi...