Wind Blade Manufacturing Offload, 100% Renewable Grids, UK Onshore Battery, Fun times in France

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast - A podcast by Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro


Vestas and TPI agree to blade manufacturing contracts. Will OEM's subcontract manufacturing of blades to lower risk and costs? Australia is planning for 100% renewable grids. What hurdles remain and what lessons can be learned? Tesla installs grid battery onshore near Dogger Bank offshore wind farm - Rosemary has questions...and an employee was terminated in France for not being "fun". Joel, Rosemary and Allen discuss the details. Visit Pardalote Consulting at Wind Power Lab - Weather Guard Lightning Tech - Intelstor - Sign up now for Uptime Tech News, our weekly email update on all things wind technology. This episode is sponsored by Weather Guard Lightning Tech. Learn more about Weather Guard's StrikeTape Wind Turbine LPS retrofit. Follow the show on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin and visit Weather Guard on the web. And subscribe to Rosemary Barnes' YouTube channel here. Have a question we can answer on the show? Email us!  Uptime 142 Allen Hall: It's almost holiday season. Well, I guess it is a holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving, Joel. I guess we both had Thanksgiving. I, I saw some pictures on, on slack of, of a Turkey slash cranberry. Oh yeah. Delicious Rosemary, you you did see the, you did see that big plate. Joel, Joel was not cutting back at than time. Joel Saxum: You can't see, you can't see my belly underneath the camera here, but it's still big Allen Hall: Yeah, so US Americans are pretty full from the, the Thanksgiving holiday. It, it was actually a really nice holiday. We, we had decent weather in America and there was really no travel hiccups. Thank goodness everybody got home safe. This week for the podcast, we have a lot going on, and again, it's one of these crazy news weeks. Where there's just so much renewable news happening. Vestus is, is working with TPI on manufacturing blades and maybe making some off offshore blades, it sounds like, which would be great for TPI and for Vestus. And then Siemens is gonna be closing a plant in Morocco, a blade plant in Morocco. And it looks like OEMs are starting to get outta the blade business and transfer some of the load onto independent operators and  Rosemary Barnes: more good news for investors with a big order in Australia. And then a couple of other Australian stories. There's one gigawatt wind farm plant in Queensland that's now been announced over double in size to two gigawatts. And also looking forward, Australia's energy market operator has mapped out a route to a hundred percent instantaneous renewables, which they expect to happen in 2025.