Episode 20 - Stories from COVID-19, Learning to be an Ally, and Announcing Cohort 3 of the OOUX Strategist Certification

The UX Hustle - A podcast by Amanda Worthington


In this episode of the podcast, Sophia gives updates on all the changes happening: in her business, in her personal life, and in her mind.  You’ll also be the first to get the scoop on Cohort 3 of the Object Oriented UX Certification Program.


OOUX Strategist Certification Program—Early Bird spots are on sale!  (Sept 30th through Dec 2nd) https://www.rewiredux.com/services/certification

OOUX Summer School (August 22&23)

http://oouxsummerschool.eventbrite.com/ (You’ll get a $497 discount code to the OOUX Certification program with this purchase.)


Get 95% off OOUX Summer School (unlimited spots) and the chance to get 75% off the OOUX Strategist Certification Program (3 spots). Email [email protected] with a link to your Linkedin and your 1-2 sentence story. We’ll email you a discount code within 48 hours!

Sophia’s letter: Examining my Complicity (Without self-loathing) https://medium.com/@sophiavux/a-first-step-examining-my-complicity-without-self-loathing-f36251ff6588

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