027 Resonance 002 - How to Encourage Vocal Resonance Through Tension Release

The Voice Coach Podcast - A podcast by Nic Redman


In this episode, we will continue talking about resonance. We will break down Barbara Houseman's definition of resonance, and I will share some exercises to encourage awareness of the spaces that affect our resonance potential.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What resonance can offer to our voicing - How we can explore our resonance potential - A few soft palate, pharyngeal, and tongue release exercises When it comes to our voicing and the message we have to share, it is really not about what we are trying to communicate, or who we are trying to communicate to. It is about having an accessible and responsive voice to the emotions of our message. That is why resonance is so important, because it grants that our voice and body are fully awake and connected.  Resources:  - The Voice and Accent Hub https://facebook.com/groups/160080935058642 - Vocal Arts Workbook by David & Rebecca Carey https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb/books/david-carey-jr/vocal-arts/9780713688245?gclid=CjwKCAjwwqaGBhBKEiwAMk-FtL65pbqlTwPMz_9yINTagyBiuxmXE-kpaWt0hBIekkhrcYR3z_KdDRoCEEEQAvD_BwE - Finding Your Voice by Barbara Houseman https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb/books/barbara-houseman/finding-your-voice/9781854596598?gclid=CjwKCAjwwqaGBhBKEiwAMk-FtEkQhGczybl1AAYpqFSgTw_RYpdXzp3GV8-TqlpYfqqPUOiT0rxZ1hoCCwQQAvD_BwE - Nic's Quick Voice Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8E63vup6aA&t=140s - The Whispered Ah https://www.alexander-technique-online.com/articles/defining-the-alexander-technique/the-whispered-ah/Mentioned in this episode:Buy Nic's BookHead to onthemicbook.com to get your copy nowGet my book hereGet my book here