084 Tips for Managing Reflux and its Effects on Your Speaking Voice
The Voice Coach Podcast - A podcast by Nic Redman

In this episode, I'll share my top tips to prevent reflux during the holiday season. You'll also learn how reflux affects your voicing, how to adjust your routine to avoid experiencing it throughout the year, and more. What Is Covered:What is Laryngopharyngeal reflux and how can it affect your voiceHow to avoid experiencing reflux during the holidaysThe benefits of having your meals as early as you canHow to use gravity in your favour to prevent refluxThe benefits of hydration, proper rest and healthy eating habitsTo avoid experiencing the voice-crippling effects of reflux, you need to adopt a holistic approach to taking care of your health. Every bit counts, from proper rest to hydration, a balanced and healthy diet, and lowering stress. Resources:Join Vocally Free for 2023: https://nicolaredman.com/voice-masterclasses-2023/ Receive my Newsletter - The Fold: https://nicolaredman.com/newsletter/ 074 The Vocal Empowerment Series - Nic’s Chat to Tor Spence of VoiceFitUKMentioned in this episode:Buy Nic's BookHead to onthemicbook.com to get your copy nowGet my book hereGet my book here