086 5 Mistakes People Make When Warming Up Their Voice
The Voice Coach Podcast - A podcast by Nic Redman

This week, I'm sharing five of the most common mistakes I see people making in their speaking voice warm ups. I'll explain why you shouldn't extend your warm ups for too long, improvise and go without a plan or focus exclusively on your vocal folds. I’ll also share my thoughts on singing to warm your voice, starting your routine with tongue twisters, and much more. What You'll Learn In This Episode:What happens to your voice when you stretch your vocal warm up too muchThe issue with starting your warm ups with a tongue twisterHow planning your warm ups can help you get the best out of themThe truth about singing to warm up your voicePaying attention to the whole body when warming up your voiceWarming up your voice is crucial for your long-term vocal maintenance and care. It benefits your voice, your body as a whole and even your soul. That is one more reason to make it an enjoyable part of your routine and not a long and unpleasant session of total discomfort. Resources mentioned:Join the waitlist for my upcoming book - https://nicolaredman.com/book-waitlist/Receive my Newsletter - The Fold: https://nicolaredman.com/newsletter/Join The Voice & Accent Hub: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthubFollow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/nicredvoice Mentioned in this episode:Buy Nic's BookHead to onthemicbook.com to get your copy nowGet my book hereGet my book here