Ep 113 How to Build a Crypto Insurer from scratch: Joe Ziolkowski CEO of Relm Insurance

The Voice of Insurance - A podcast by The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan - Tuesdays


Sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due. Most of the guests on The Voice of Insurance are long-term CEOs of large companies. They are all major players in the market and I don’t need any special reason to talk to them. But today’s guest is on the show, not because he runs a market-moving global insurance business, but because I think he has done something completely out of the ordinary that deserves closer attention. Relm is a remarkable business because it has responded to a moment of disfunction by creating something entirely new. Seeing a total absence of insurance industry response to the emerging Cryptocurrency phenomenon Joe Ziolkowski, Relm’s co founder and CEO has built the first Crypto insurer with a licence from a recognised international jurisdiction and an A rating. The result is that Relm is a business that can underwrite in Cryptocurrency limits, pay claims and crucially hold assets in Crypto on its own solvent, rated and regulated balance sheet. I doubt that Relm will be the last of the native Crypto insurers, but the story of what Joe has achieved so far is a fascinating one.And it’s not just Crypto – this business’s culture seems to be to seek out genuinely uncharted areas of opportunity. For this reason insurance for the nascent cannabis and psychedelic sectors are also areas of focus. You don’t need to understand all the ins and outs of these markets to see that there is enormous unmet demand for insurance in these fast-growing new verticals For that reason I would highly recommend a listen.LINKS:We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:https://www.advantagego.com/We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) for their support today:https://www.claimsdirectaccess.com/