Ep 116 James Kent Global CEO Gallagher Re: A broker run by brokers

The Voice of Insurance - A podcast by The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan - Tuesdays


Today’s guest is a major reinsurance broking CEO at the top of his game. A quarter has passed since the completion of the purchase of Willis Re by Gallagher and the integration of the 3rd largest reinsurance broker in the world into Gallagher Re. Global CEO James Kent is clearly buzzing with energy and enthusiasm for the job in hand and the prospects that new ownership and investment are going to open up for his business. In this podcast we talk about how Willis Re managed to hold itself together during the interminable Aon-Willis merger saga, the state of the reinsurance market and the new business’s ambitious growth plans. I have known James for many years and think this encounter is a great snapshot of a team leader who has come through a trial and is absolutely delighted to be out on the other side and very much looking forward to the future. NOTES:A couple of abbreviations. KRW is of course the infamous trio of 2005 Hurricanes, Katrina, Rita and Wilma. UNL is Ultimate Net Loss and in this context is a synonym for an indemnity-type contract as opposed to a parametrically-triggered one. LINKS:We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:https://www.advantagego.com/