Ep 87 Rod Fox & Rob Bredahl of TigerRisk: Don’t stop me now

The Voice of Insurance - A podcast by The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan - Tuesdays


When my notebook is put away and the microphones are switched off, after a couple of drinks, people in the market often lament the lack of personalities in the modern insurance and reinsurance industry. They say that it’s just not like it used to be and that massive consolidation has pushed the individual to the sidelines within ever larger, ever more soulless corporations.Today’s guests prove that not be true in any sense of the word. Rod Fox (CEO) founded reinsurance broker and capital advisor TigerRisk thirteen years ago and has been carving a place in the sector and taking the big three brokers head on ever since. Two years ago fellow reinsurance veteran Rob Bredahl joined the team as President, reuniting the pair who had worked together at Benfield in the early noughties. When I was organising this interview I was worried that Rob might find it hard to make himself heard because Rod is such a strong character. I needn’t have worried. Their energy and camaraderie is palpable. They are also clearly having the time of their lives, as a well-resourced and aggressive TigerRisk looks to take full advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves in a highly fluid reinsurance and capital markets intermediary space.In this podcast we dissect the state of the market and go into deep detail about how Tiger is planning to double or possibly triple in size in the next five years.LINKSWe thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo - enabling an enterprise view of exposure:https://www.advantagego.com/We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) and Free Partners for their support today:https://www.claimsdirectaccess.com/https://freepartners.com/