Ep 90 Javier San Basilio of Mapfre Re: Not opportunistic by definition

The Voice of Insurance - A podcast by The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan - Tuesdays


In insurance and reinsurance we hear a lot of talk about partnerships, but in truth we know that many relationships are marriages of convenience or indeed opportunistic liaisons that are not designed to last.If I was a reinsurance buyer I would like my reinsurer to be committed to supporting me in the long term and someone who was unlikely to run away if I have had a bad year. I’d like to be able to confide in them and I’d really value it if they were perhaps even a little boring in their consistency.Javier San Basilio the CUO of Mapfre Re is very much the embodiment of this old school of reinsurer. I really enjoyed spending time with someone able to give a calm and considered analysis of the state of the reinsurance market today and I think you will too. Listen on for valuable insights and a sense of where Mapfre’s steadily increasing influence is likely to be felt in the run-up to 1.1 and beyond. LINKS We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo - enabling an enterprise view of exposure:https://www.advantagego.com/ We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) for their support today:https://www.claimsdirectaccess.com/