Ep 91 Bob Kimmel CEO of K2 Insurance Services: On the hunt for talent and capacity

The Voice of Insurance - A podcast by The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan - Tuesdays


Bob Kimmel the CEO of K2 insurance services came on my radar and that of most other London-based insurance folk when last year his US-based MGA group picked up the remnants of what had been the Pioneer group of MGAs to form K2 International.K2 owns a major collection of MGAs in the US, writes over a billion dollars in premium and is highly acquisitive both of talent, new agencies and other ancillary insurance businesses I didn’t know Bob personally and researching K2 ahead of our London meeting I suppose I came into this podcast with lots of preconceptions about what the CEO of such a fast-growing and aggressively expansive US-headquartered group would be like.I was completely wrong. Bob is clearly very ambitious for K2 but he is also very easygoing and charming as well as being disarming about how steep the learning curve has been for him, a former reinsurance broker, moving much closer to the end insurance customer in the decade since K2’s formation.New MGA start-ups and acquisitions, a potential Lloyd’s syndicate in the offing and a conscious hunt for talent in specific classes – Bob’s in-tray is absolutely overflowing and in this interview he discusses all aspects of MGA management in a disarmingly open way. I really enjoyed my time with Bob and I think you will too.LINKS We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo - enabling an enterprise view of exposure:https://www.advantagego.com/We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) and Free Partners for their support today:https://www.claimsdirectaccess.com/https://freepartners.com/