536: "L'ame Perdue" (TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E1)

The 'Cast of Us: The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live - A podcast by Podcastica


Bonjour tout les monde! Comment ça va? We’re happy to get going with the Daryl Dixon show, with our hero plucked out of the US and transplanted overseas. Such a strange idea for a show, but we’re really digging it. As always, merci beaucoup for coming along on this ride with us. Nous vous aimons!Next episode: Listener feedback for this episode, TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E1 “L’ame Perdue”. • You can email us or send a voice message to [email protected]. Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica. Show support and get ad-free episodes: patreon.com/jasoncabassi or go to buymeacoffee.com/cabassi for a one-time donation. Au revoir!