Prevent Family Drama - Communication Tips from Ellie Parvin (Re-Release)

The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental and Physical Battles of Life - A podcast by Michelle Rose Fit - Diet and Psychology Expert

Name of Expert: Ellie Parvin Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: From the moment I met Ellie Parvin I knew there was something special about her. She is caring, smart, incredibly smart, and very astute. I’ve been blessed to watch Ellie over the years grow and help others improve their relationships with family, friends, and coworkers through their communication. All of our relationships revolve around communication. Your relationships will either improve and flourish with great communication or die with bad communication. We often hurt others with our words without even knowing it. Ellie helps people improve relationships by improving the way they talk to one another. Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: Ellie Parvin is a communication expert that teaches/coaches people on how to improve their communication skills. Ellie is incredibly smart as I mentioned above so I was amazed to find out she was almost dropped out of school to pursuing snowboarding. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: In her 20’s Ellie was laid off, her roommate moved out, and she couldn’t find  a new job. She learned that no matter where you are in life if you create a system or habit you can keep yourself on track. She set her alarm every day even if she had nothing to do that day. Also, she traveled and experienced life while stay positive during the toughest time in her life. Warrior They Look Up To: Her father is her anchor. He is a kind, patient, and amazing human being. He came to this country of Iran at the age of 17. He left his family, barely knew English and went to college to become an engineer. He had no place to live and pursued his dream no matter what. Heart Of The Interview: In this interview, Ellie shares some amazing tips on how to communicate with your family during the holidays and thus avoiding the inevitable family drama. I can’t wait to use these this holiday season. Additional Resources: Four Christmases Ellie’s free video at What Being A Warrior Means To Them: Quiet strength that is built Their Greatest Life Lesson Learned: You have to adopt a problem-solving mentality Where You Can Find Them: Instagram @ellieparvine facebook parvin