288. Baguazhang Taoist Cultivation – The urban path (11): Baguazhang Immortality realized…
The Way through Baguazhang - 八卦掌道 - A podcast by Peter Hainzl

Do you want to be a baguazhang immortal? Do you want to be a baguazhang xian? 1. 仙 2. 僊 3. 仚 4. 㒨 5. 僲 6. 屳 7. 佡 Above are the 7 Chinese characters in which to write the word: Xian. Xian means immortal. And then so much more. In this podcast #288 I discuss their different “deeper” meanings in relation to the #taoist #internal_martial_art #cultivation path of #baguazhang #xian #道 #八卦掌 #八卦 #仙