291. The Way of the Taoist Bagua Master – 道教八卦大師之路
The Way through Baguazhang - 八卦掌道 - A podcast by Peter Hainzl

The way of the Taoist Bagua master is one of resilience. It isn’t for everyone. It’s a lonely 😩 path filled with a lot of hardships. A lot of people think 🤔 that once they become a Taoist or a Baguazhang master, life will be enlightened bliss. Sadly, this not the case. But as my podcast reveals, sometimes while we are down, our trained body just says ‘fuck’em!’ And we keep on doing Baguazhang. I keep forgetting that. With my mind and heart playing havoc with my psyche, my body (on autopilot) simply yet calmly continues with the bagua until the bullshit has passed. 👉 道教八卦大師的方式是韌性!