86: Learning React.js
The Web Platform Podcast - A podcast by The Web Platform Podcast - Mondays
Aimee Knight (@Aimee_Knight) , SoftwareEngineeratKuali & Developer hero chats with us about herexperienceslearning the React ecosystem. Coming from a primarilyAngularbackground can make learning React very different. Aimeeshares herfeelings on how developers can get started efficiently,the toolsand practices she has found useful, and making learningexcitingand fun again.
Show Links
- Facebook’s React JavaScript ViewLayer-https://facebook.github.io/react/
- ES6Classes in React - https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/how-to-use-classes-and-sleep-at-night-9af8de78ccb4#.twjz2ivg5
- Testing for React - https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme
- Chrome Dev Tools for React - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi?hl=en
- Functional Programming w/ React-https://medium.com/@chetcorcos/functional-programming-for-javascript-people-1915d8775504#.11jdzoi9m
- Aminimal React setup - https://github.com/djsmith42/react-minimal-es6-starter-project
- FrontEnd Masters Training - https://frontendmasters.com/
- Kuali, Simplifying higher edadministrationwithinnovative open source products -https://www.kuali.co/
- JavaScript Jabber Podcast - https://devchat.tv/js-jabber