13. Season one finale - Lessons and Learnings

The Wedding Business Podcast - A podcast by Faye Cornhill - Mondays


So here we are at the final episode of Season 1! It feels like 2 minutes ago I sat down with my notebook to plan out the episodes and launch for this podcast. 

These 13 episodes have been jam packed with advice, information and support, so today I wanted to take the chance to recap on why I started the podcast and what I’ve learnt through this time. 

There’s been so many things that have been out of my control in this period, but I made the decision at the start of lockdown to go all in, on serving, helping and supporting the people around me. I chose to take action to move my business forward, and I know so many of you did too.  

I truly believe when you surround yourself with people who cheer you on and support you, it makes a huge huge difference and I’ve seen that more than ever through lockdown. 

So if I can leave you with anything from this series, it’s that the best way to grow your business is to find your people, show up consistently and serve them. 

I really hope you’ve enjoyed these episodes, it makes me so happy to read your reviews or see where you’re listening and I’m so grateful for you taking the time to listen in. 

You’ve heard me speak a lot about The Wedding Business Club in the podcast, so if you think it might be a place you want to hang out you can find more information here. 


Doors are currently closed, but join the waitlist to be the first to know when enrolment opens again. 

Finally one last big thank you, I can’t wait to see you all soon and give you a hug in real life!