Consciousness & Nonduality: Saying Yes to Life — Francis Lucille
The Weekend University - A podcast by Making the best psychology lecturers available to the general public. - Thursdays

This week, we welcome Francis Lucille to the show, a renowned teacher of the nondual understanding, who has dedicated his life to helping individuals uncover the ultimate truth of consciousness and reality. Drawing from decades of exploration and teaching, Francis shares insights on some of the following topics: — The ultimate purpose of human life — Why happiness is our natural state — How psychological suffering stems from a belief in separation — Why saying “yes” to life aligns us with consciousness. And more. You can learn more about Francis’s work and teachings at --- Francis Lucille is a spiritual teacher in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. A longtime friend and disciple of Jean Klein whom he met in 1975, he was a friend of Robert Linssen, Wolter Keers, Yvan Amar, William Samuel and Robert Adams. He was also influenced by J. Krishnamurti, Krishna Menon and Wei Wu Wei, whom he knew personally. Many contemporary Advaita teachers have attended his teaching events. Francis transmits the ancient teaching of nonduality, the common ground of Advaita Vedanta, Ch’an Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and Sufism. Francis’ teachings are not “Neo-Advaitic” but traditional, which means that the experience of our true nature has been transmitted from generation to generation by a lineage of sages. They reflect those of his guru: appreciation for humor, art, music, and poetry, intellectual rigor with a “personal” twist due to his training in Mathematics and Physics, and emphasis on the body and its feelings. --- Interview Links: — Francis’ website -