Episode 350: Travel Tales

The Whole View with Stacy Toth - A podcast by Cloud10 - Fridays

The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 350: Travel Tales (0:41) A Look Into Stacy's Europe Travels Sarah just got back from PaleoFx and hasn't even finished unpacking - her trip is really fresh in her mind Stacy has been back from her trip for a week and is mostly unpacked and caught up on laundry As Stacy mentioned last week, she had quite an adventure in Europe They were in Rome for three days, then took a cruise from Rome around to London, and then were in London for a full three days It was a lot, and Stacy was more stressed than she wanted to admit Taking your mother-in-law, your mother, and your three children on a trip has the potential to be amazing and memorable, but also kind of a nightmare Stacy worried if they planned enough, but luckily between her and Matt they were able to do a lot of prep work They also used Google and the Google Translate app to help fill in the missing pieces along their trip Stacy found no issues navigating tomato-less and gluten-free eating abroad Their adventures were quite wild, from Stacy's phone getting pick-pocketed to Finn losing his backpack to international tragedies like Notre Dame and their taxi driver in London suffering a stroke while driving them When Stacy came back last week she didn't feel ready to talk about her trip She had so much overwhelming empathy to what was happening to other people and she didn't feel comfortable about the great things they experienced when just hours before she was in a car with a man having a stroke Stacy reflected on the experience of watching their taxi driver suffer from a stroke, and how this impacted her feelings towards their trip, especially as they were coming home Matt and Stacy ended up feeling like the Griswolds by the end of the trip Even the flight home was incredibly bumpy, to the point where Stacy thought the turbulence was going to be the end of their trip When they landed Stacy felt such relief that they made it and then her town was hit by a tornado within the hour they landed This week has been very uneventful for Stacy Her back is feeling so much better, she has been Jooving, heading to water aerobics, resting and getting lots of sleep Now with a bit of distance from the trip, Stacy has a little bit more wonder about Europe and appreciation for all that she experienced with her family However, Stacy is seeing that her kids have lost a bit of touch with reality, as a recent viewing of Street Food on Netflix had Wesley asking if they could go to Thailand next  Sarah reflected on how amazing she thinks it will be for Stacy's kids to go from their Europe traveling experience to their summer camping trips, and to be able to compare and appreciate the differences between the two Stacy has shared a bit already on the blog and will continue to share about the trip and how they managed it with food intolerances specifically She wants to remind people that most people in these countries speak English and the internet is an insanely resourceful tool to help you figure things out as you go Just don't get your phone stolen Another helpful tip, when you book a cruise ship or a flight, make sure you tell them what your food restrictions are and they will accommodate you They had a suitcase dedicated to snacks, which allowed them to save a ton of money and fill in the missing meal pieces as they needed As they were recording this show, Sarah was enjoying Coronation Tea from a care package that Stacy had sent her (20:40) A Look Into Sarah's PaleoFx Trip Sarah thinks that the single best part of PaleoFx was seeing Tom again, a listener whom she met a year ago She always loves the opportunity that these events provide to meet and connect with listeners Tom and Sarah had this amazing conversation last year and developed a real connection, and he came to her book signing at this year's event and was so excited to see him again This was the best PaleoFx yet Sarah made a lot of business connections and met some really neat new companies, while also reconnecting with businesses that they already have great relationships with On Friday Sarah did a talk on the gut microbiome, and while it wasn't recorded she did bring four of her team members who helped with a recording of her presentation Sarah is editing that now and will let people know how they can watch it once it is available She was also on the State of the Paleo Union panel, which is the highest profile panel at PaleoFx and always includes Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Chris Kresser, Sarah and one or other two keynote people who are in attendance that year By the time this panel took place, Sarah had been talking for twelve-hours straight and lost her voice This was embarrassing for Sarah, but she was able to still deliver her feedback, even with a froggy voice This was a particularly interesting discussion this year and Robb Wolf had a funny comment that put Sarah on edge that made her ready for a debate The comment didn't end up sparking controversy, but it was a very funny moment A year ago the panel wasn't necessary heated, but there was a lot of discordances This year there was a lot more unity, which was nice for Sarah to experience On Saturday Sarah was on a gut microbiome panel with all the biggest names in this particular field of science From all the latest research Sarah has been doing in preparation for her next book on this very topic, it was cool to be on a panel that provided different angles that expanded on where her mind has been The little tangents that Sarah experienced with a fellow panel member made it an especially fun experience There were a few speaker cancellations and Sarah was asked to fill a spot, which she was easily able to tackle by using content from her recent workshop She ended up talking about the different designs of scientific studies and what their weight is Sarah also presented on what a body of scientific literature is, a little bit about statistics, what a p-value is, and got to have a bit of a conversation around these pieces This helps shed light on how scientific research is performed and what Sarah looks for as she is going through the scientific literature Sarah has been toying with the idea of how to turn this into training for people It has been really helpful for people to understand science in general because it gives people knowledge to be able to filter This was such a fun bonus talk Sarah got to give This year's PaleoFx was by far one of the most exhausting events Sarah has participated in Her voice is even still hoarse from all the talking Sarah loves this event in particular because she loves to use it to take a pulse on the community and what people are hoping to learn more about She keeps herself very accessible throughout this conference At this year's conference, it felt like there are a lot of people who entered this community through personal journies and are taking their passion for diet and lifestyle and turning it into entrepreneurial opportunities to pay it forward Sarah had a lot of conversations with people who were there for personal reasons, but are working to build something that serves the community in a way that uses their skillsets from before It was exciting to see this entrepreneurial spirit permeate everything at this year's conference Overall the event was phenomenal; Sarah came home inspired on so many levels The energy was so positive and cohesive this year It really felt like everyone understands that we are all there to serve the community, but also grow the community All of our voices are important in that Like Stacy mentioned a few episodes ago, we are not fighting over the same piece of the pie We are making a bigger pie That was very much the energy of this year's PaleoFx We are all here to help people regain their health and improve their lives, and the more we work together the more we expand that message and the more people we reach in different ways To see that energy was really phenomenal Now Sarah plans on tapping out and sleeping a lot (38:37) Listener Induced Feels Becca says, "I just finished listening to The Paleo View on botox, an amazingly informative conversation as always, even for someone like me who has never had it and wouldn't have considered it anyway. I just want to let you know how grateful I am for the work you do and to wish you all the luck in the world on your amazing poop rocket adventure. Your perspective on self-love, owning our choices, and shooting for your best life really is inspirational. Having your voice in my life has helped me work out what I really want and how I want to go about making it happen. It has provided a jumping off point for so many conversations with the people I love. I want to thank you and send you a virtual, even if it is uncomfortable, hug. P.S. I hope you had a fantastic time on the cruise and that my hometown London received you well." Stacy is bright red from reading that, and this comment gave her a super case of the feels This so perfectly highlights what Sarah about collaboration, sharing a perspective, and entrepreneurial spirit, and sharing this all with the world so that we can be our best selves Stacy wanted to acknowledge and thank Becca for sending this incredibly kind note Expanding the pie and learning to love yourself and not talking badly about yourself are things that Stacy has genuinely been working on the past few years The fact that these aspects are resonating with the listeners is so wonderful, as these are lessons that we all need Not only do we need to love our bodies from the perspective of taking care of them through all the different aspects we talk about on this show, but how we treat ourselves with kindness is also a huge piece of how we feel How we feel is how we function Thank you, Becca, for sharing this feedback and for letting Stacy know that her work is making a difference Sarah notes that these messages are empowering We don't only need to hear them, we need to be reminded of them frequently because they are so easy to forget Thank you to Becca and Tom for being our MVLs this week (42:13) Final Thoughts Stacy is so glad that Sarah had such a great time at PaleoFx and got to share the information she did Sarah workshop is now available as a virtual experience, which you can find here She will be hosting this again in 2020, February 14 through the 17 Half of the material will be switched out with new deep dives, and the foundational content will remain Next year Sarah will dig into genetics and how to use our genetic data to tinker with diet and lifestyle, and will also get into micronutrients Sarah works to give you a full education to really give attendees/listeners the full knowledge base to be able to make the best choices for you and your particular situation This kind of deep education is such a phenomenal way for Sarah to communicate Please check out the workshop; if you love this show you will love the material, even if it does lack Stacy Stacy is going through mid-life reevaluation and has no clue where she will be when Sarah's next workshop takes place Sarah noted that you can already register for the 2020 workshop here Stacy wants to thank everyone for their support between her announcement from her job change (and her sale last month) and the emotional turmoil of her trip Sarah and Stacy will be back next week with a new and exciting topic There are some really good topics in the works Learn more about your ad choices. 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