502: Gravity is a Lie, Nothing is Real, the Universe is Electric

The Why Files: Operation Podcast - A podcast by The Why Files: Operation Podcast


Since grade school, we’ve been taught that gravity is what keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground, but what if that’s all been a lie? I'm not saying if you jump off a bridge, you fall up, instead of down. But what if Newton and Einstein were wrong and what *really* ties our universe together is not gravity, but electricity? The Electric Universe Theory says that, instead of gravity, the universe's *true* attractive force comes from invisible electric currents that surround our planet, our solar system, the galaxy and... everything. We are all living in one, giant, universe-spanning circuit. Mainstream science ignores this possibility. But ignoring the electric universe blinds us to an unknown risk. The myths of our ancestors describe cataclysmic, global disasters in the distant past. They knew about the electric universe too, not from science, but from experience. And our ancestors have sent us a strange, but dire warning: Beware the shocking fury of planet Saturn.