3.19 Heatwave high jinx, nipple flashing and JLo to JLa: the politics of changing your last name
The Wingwoman - A podcast by Charlie and Frankie

This week it's been hot, hot, HOT. While Frankie has decamped to the cooler climes of Devon, Charlie is sweating it out in London – that God she accidentally ordered a fridge full of fizzy drinks. But as the heatwave rages on we ask: why is it still ok for men to go topless, yet women get shamed for flashing a nipple (see Florence Pugh at the Valentino show)? And if baring your boobs is considered unacceptable, how come every summer dress this season has a cut-out back that prohibits wearing a bra? As Jennifer Lopez becomes Jennifer Affleck after tying the knot with her former ex Ben, we discuss the politics of taking – or not taking – your partner's name. Plus, what does the boom of Only Fans say about the modern workplace? Also on the agenda: dishy men in good outfits, paddling pools and knitwear in the freezer. We've off on a summer break and will be back in September for a brand new series. Until then – happy holidays!