Period Poverty | A Conversation with Megha Desai, President of the Desai Foundation Around Menstruation in South Asia

That Desi Spark (formerly The Woke Desi) - A podcast by ANS Entertainment LLC

1 in 5 girls in South Asia will drop out of school after the onset of their period. Period poverty is a global issue with wide-ranging impact. The Desai Foundation's President, Megha Desai, joins TDS to discuss their initiatives to provide access to education, period products, infrastructure, and more - and above all, dignity.The Phoenix King by Aparna Verma is on sale now! An action-packed debut of fire magic and ancient prophecy, in which the fate of a futuristic desert kingdom rests in the hands of a princess desperate for power and an assassin with a dark secret, this novel is a can't-miss! Follow TDS on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and catch up with the hosts, Annika and Nehal, on their personals. Until next time, keep lighting That Desi Spark!