The Shadow Pandemic | South Asians, Domestic Violence, and the Pandemic

That Desi Spark (formerly The Woke Desi) - A podcast by ANS Entertainment LLC

Ramya Chunduri joins this episode of TWD to explain how domestic violence, an issue an underreported 2 in 5 South Asian women face, has transformed through the pandemic. The UN called it a "shadow pandemic," as rates of DV increased, social media became both a place of information and of danger, and abuse transformed with the use of the internet. Recognizing DV has never been so important - if you or anyone you know is experiencing abuse, please Google your state's local South Asian abuse resources, as they will have information catered to South Asian demographics, religions, and communities.The Phoenix King by Aparna Verma is on sale now! An action-packed debut of fire magic and ancient prophecy, in which the fate of a futuristic desert kingdom rests in the hands of a princess desperate for power and an assassin with a dark secret, this novel is a can't-miss! Follow TDS on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and catch up with the hosts, Annika and Nehal, on their personals. Until next time, keep lighting That Desi Spark!