Episode 35: In service of the public good - leadership insights from Vice Admiral Mark Mellett

The Workplace Podcast in association with YellowWood - A podcast by William Corless - YellowWood


Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, the first naval officer in the Irish State to serve as Chief of Staff, having previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff and Chief of Navy. Holder of a Doctorate in Political Science and a Masters in Government and Public Policy, Admiral Mellett has a keen interest in research with a focus on European security, innovation, diversity and values-based leadership Admiral Mellett share his leadership insights and the lessons from a career in serving the public good for over 40 years of military service. In this refreshing podcast, we cover leadership related topics and valuable nuggets  on humility & ego, what is means to cede power to gain power,  vulnerability, mental health, collaboration & innovation, reciprocity and what authority actually means.