Episode 45:The real work of leadership with Wendy Ryan

The Workplace Podcast in association with YellowWood - A podcast by William Corless - YellowWood


Wendy Ryan, the CEO at Kadabra, speaker, advisor and facilitator joins the workplace podcast. As an advocate for equity & inclusion, Wendy is the author of ”Learn Lead Lift: How to Think, Act and Inspire Your Way to Greatness”. Her book has received from Marshall Goldsmith ”Brave, compelling and thoroughly original”. Sally Helgesen, author of ”How Women Rise” stated she found valuable lessons in each chapter. The conversation between our host William Corless and Wendy Ryan explores aspects of her book utilising the learn, lead lift framework™. These include the different lenses that are imperative to look through when leading. DEPTH - Demographics, Extreme Weather, Pandemic, Technological, Health IEAT - to reflect on your day - Did I demonstrate Inclusiveness, Equity, Authenticity, Trauma informed The VUCA context and what leader‘s should consider as part of their leadership style The various dimensions we need to explore and what it means to be a healthy leader and safety in the workplace How to get authenticity right Kindness with candour and how to get the balance right Inclusivity at work Implications of decision making Avoiding stagnation in systems thinking in a respectful way The 3T Model™ -  Ryan developed this empowering mindset for leaders, which supports decision making and resource allocation by Tolerating, Transforming or Transcending. For more information on Wendy Ryan‘s approach check out her website https://www.learnleadlift.com Wendy and her talented team are also available via https://www.wearekadabra.com/wendy/