Crisis in Ukraine: Urban Warfare

Warfare - A podcast by History Hit


Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine has seen warfare return to the streets of Europe for the first time in decades, with Putin's troops launching major offensives to take key cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa. Both Ukrainian soldiers and civilians continue to mount fierce resistance against the occupiers throughout their country's urban terrain.But what is the history of urban warfare and what can it tell us about the future of this horrific new war? In this episode James is joined by John Spencer, a decorated American war veteran and Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the West Point US Military Academy, to find out more.Don’t forget to leave us a rating and review while you're here!For more Warfare content, subscribe to our Warfare newsletter here.If you'd like to learn even more, we have hundreds of history documentaries, ad free podcasts and audiobooks at History Hit - subscribe today! To download, go to the Android or Apple store.