My Fiancé's Christian Conversion Was a Dealbreaker...Until I Met Jesus, Too (feat. Zara McCarthy) | Ep. 16

Then God Moved - A podcast by Then God Moved

When Zara McCarthy's fiancé (footballer Jason McCarthy) first told her about his new faith in Christ, Zara was mostly okay with it. She figured he could just keep his faith to himself...but as she soon learned, he couldn't. As she tells it, "By day three, God was in every single one of his sentences. That's when I started to think it was getting to be a bit much." Within a few weeks, Zara (who then 8 months pregnant), began considering a breakup. But before she could run away, God sent Zara a series of dreams that revealed His deep love for her...and as her knowledge of God's love grew, Zara (like Jason) miraculously came to life in Christ! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and/or a review! And please feel free to share any questions or comments via Instagram, Facebook, and via email @ [email protected]. You can also connect with this week's guest via Instagram: @zaramccarthy__.