4 Easy Family Time Ideas For Fun and Meaningful Connection

ReThink Podcast - A podcast by V Kelly B

4 Easy Family Time Ideas For Fun and Meaningful ConnectionSubscribe Today: https://thingsyoushouldknow.supercast.techWhen I think back on my childhood, it was idyllic in many ways. My family took some amazing vacations that included everything from white sand beaches to quaint lakeside cottages. My mother orchestrated backyard birthday parties with scavenger hunts that kids would talk about for weeks afterwards. During the holidays, our house was covered in festive decorations and because of my large extended family I had no less than five different Christmas celebrations.All of this was fun, without a doubt, and I definitely have some great memories from these times.But my BEST memories don’t come from any of this.  My most vivid memories that transport me back to the pure joy and contentment of my childhood are often of simple, non-extraordinary moments.Going to the duck pond with my father on Sunday mornings while my mother slept in. Playing scrabble for hours on the back patio (yes, we were a nerdy family) and trying to catch my father cheating.  Snuggling next to my mom at bedtime as she read me chapter after chapter of the Little House on the Prairie books.Now, think back on your own childhood memories. Aren’t some of the best times you can recall ones that happened without a lot of fuss and planning?The lesson in all of this is that we modern parents are making family time too hard.Our expectations are so high and we’re demanding too much of ourselves. Yes, our lives our busy and these days more and more families have two working parents. We feel rushed and over-scheduled and often fear that we’re not spending enough time with our kids.Support the Podcast:  https://www.buzzsprout.com/1590358/support Closing of ReThinkBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREESupport the show