039 F*ck the Numbers!

Think Like a Boss Podcast - A podcast by THINK LIKE A BOSS


The buzz around the number of followers, likes or engagements we have on our social media is what often makes us lose sight of our goals for our business. When we only focus on the numbers, it gives off this bad energy and drives us away from the community we already have. In today's episode, I'd like to redirect our attention to what really matters and how to connect with our audience, no matter how small it may be. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The key to growing a sustainable business and how to harness its full potential - How to reignite the connection between your audience and your vision - The effective power of email marketing and personalised voice notes - How far you can get when you focus your energy on just the numbers  You risk making bad decisions when you're obsessing more on getting people to engage in your business than connecting with the few people in your community. I want to encourage you to channel your passion into helping these people by providing a solution to their needs. I'd advise you to focus more on improving what works and using new ideas to tweak the ones that don't work into perfection. This is what a boss will do! Resources:  -  How Well is Your Social Media Content Performing? https://www.thinklikeaboss.co/socialmediaquiz - Find me on Instagram https: //www.instagram.com/think_like_a_boss.co/  - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThinkLikeABossCo  - My website https://www.thinklikeaboss.co/