041 Performance Hacking with the Kardashians Wellness Team

Think Like a Boss Podcast - A podcast by THINK LIKE A BOSS


Today I am recording this episode from LA, my spiritual home, where I've been hanging out for the last couple of weeks. I have been here on a retreat, and I want to share with you my experience from one of the days of the retreat, when I got to do some performance hacking with the Kardashians wellness team. I’ll also share with you some powerful questions that can help you get to the next level of your own wellness.  What You Will Learn in This Episode:  - The power of words and how I got to spend an afternoon with the Kardashians wellness team - How sound bowls and sound baths can help you reconnect with yourself - How I overcame my anxiety from being in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber - Five questions to ask yourself to hack the next level of your wellness, performance and freedom Our health is our real wealth. If we're not healthy, we cannot show up for ourselves, we cannot show up for our businesses and our clients and our families and other people who need us. And we're not prioritising it to the extent that we should be. After just having had the most incredible next level wellness experiences, I’ve decided and I’m encouraging you as well to integrate that into your day to day life, to hack the next level of your wellness and your performance. Resources:  -  How Well is Your Social Media Content Performing? https://www.thinklikeaboss.co/socialmediaquiz - Find me on Instagram https: //www.instagram.com/think_like_a_boss.co/  - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThinkLikeABossCo  - My website https://www.thinklikeaboss.co/