Think and Grow Rich 14 day challenge - Day 1 The Introduction

Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks - A podcast by Sean Osborn


Welcome to the Thinking Big Podcast. This is part 1 in a special 14 day series.  We who are in this race for success, should be encouraged to know that this changed world in which we live is demanding new ideas, new ways of doing things, new leaders, new inventions, new methods of teaching, new methods of marketing, new books.  And back of all this demand for new and better things, there is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning DESIRE to possess it. That statement could have been written this yesterday, but it was actually first published in 1937 (over 80 years ago) in the book Think and Grow Rich, or more appropriately Think and Grow Successful, by Napoleon Hill That is why this book has stood the test of time, and it is more relevant today than ever before. I recently hosted a live 14 days Think and Grow Rich challenge and I thought it would be great to put the challenge right here on the podcast. So for the next 14 days I will be releasing a new podcast and challenge that covers each of the 13 steps of Think and Grow Rich plus a bonus challenge on the introduction. It doesn’t matter if you have ever read the book or not, the challenge is designed for anyone to do. Today we are thinking big on the introduction to Think and Grow Rich. The 14-day Think and Grow Rich Challenge. Signup for free and download all the challenge worksheets. Free Audibles book   Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching Website Instagram Facebook   All right, everyone. Here we go. I am so excited for this 14 day think and grow rich challenge. I want to welcome everybody that is tuning in that's that signed up that's online. I am absolutely honored to be able to do this. And it is just an amazing thing that we're able to get this done and get this going. Oh, this is such, such a great thing to do the goal of this think and grow rich challenge is more about doing than learning. And really, if you think about it, when we, you know, so many times I've read great books, I've listened to great audibles and I'll be reading and I'll be listening. I'll say, man, that is a fantastic idea. I really need to implement Nani. I need to do that. But then I never do. I don't do it. So this challenge is really about, rather than just keep learning and learning. (01:04): Learning is as I've taken and I've distilled down something within that chapter or something within that step, and I've made a challenge. I've made a tool to start moving you closer to your dreams, into your goals of being successful. And this challenge isn't about, you know, again, knowing the book, matter of fact, you can take this challenge whether or not you've ever read, think, and grow rich or not. These tools stand alone. You don't need to know, think and grow rich, although it will help you. It will absolutely help you. The next time you go to rethink and grow rich, or if you've already read it multiple times, it'll bring some clarity to some of the tools that you can get from thinking grow rich. And really the entire goal of doing this was to have you see where your thought patterns are, your thought habits are now, because again, the name of the book is think and grow rich. (02:05): It's about thought it's about our mind. And it's about these six inches between our ears. So we're going to the goal is to, you know, what are your thought habits now? You know, what are you thinking? What are the negative, the positive, you know, how are you thinking right now and really take an inventory of your thoughts and then what will your thoughts need to be? Or what will they be when you become successful when you reach that goal? No matter what it is, again, this isn't about money, whatever your goal is. So each day what we're going to do is we're going to do a 20 to 30 minute video or audio. And at the end, we're going to have a challenge on that, on that step. So for 14 days, we're going to, today's the introduction, which isn't even a damn chapter, but man, there's so much gold in it. (02:52): And then the 13 steps. So that's 14 days total for the 14 day challenge, 20 to 30 minute audio video, and then to go and actually do the challenge. And one of the things I really wanted to start off with is the biggest misconception of think and grow rich is that it's about money and it's absolutely not about money. It is about success. I don't care what it is you want to be the best at. I don't care what it is you want to be successful in. That's what this book is about. This is the law of success. Every successful person I've ever seen has followed these laws, whether they bred the book or not. And if you think about when the book was published, it was published in 1937, you know, it was after the 1918 pandemic which is very similar to what we're going through. (03:45): You know, we're kind of in the same type of situation was after the depression and people. That was the biggest thing on people's mind was money, but honestly the book should have been called, you know, think and grow successful. That's what the name of it should have been and think and grow rich isn't Napoleon Hill stuff. You know, he's just really a knowledge broker for all these other people. He, you know, 500 of the most successful people that he got to know and, and started seeing what their day to day was, what they did to become successful. So he really just documented what these other people were doing. This is this book. Isn't something that, you know, Napoleon Hill invented or did anything. This is about the documentation and of knowledge that he gained from talking with 500 of the most successful people. And he was really commissioned by Andrew Carnegie because he knew that there was a law to success. (04:42): He had lived it, and he knew that there was a law and he wanted to get that documented. And if you think about it, you don't absolutely do not need this book to be successful. But one of my friends, Ron, you know, he has a great saying for this that is very poignant about this is if it's success was on the other side of a big piece of land, a landmine. And on the other side of this land, mine was your success was your dream. How would you go across that land? Mine, anybody can just go across it, but how would you go across that landmine? I know what I would do. I would look to see someone who else has got over that landmine to that success. And I would take his footsteps. I wouldn't deviate a single bit. I would take every one of his footsteps all the way through, because if he can take those footsteps and be successful, I can be just as successful going through those exact same steps. (05:43): And I wish there was another way. I wish there was an easier way for success, but this is the only thing I have ever seen. These steps. These philosophies are the only thing I've ever seen. And everybody I've ever looked at everybody from, from artists to chefs, to, you know, business, every single one of them. I can see these laws of success from think and grow rich within them. And again, the book is about thinking. So I wanted to go over and just kind of a a brief overview of really how powerful the mind is. And, and some exercises I do in my mastermind just to show the vastness of what our mind does and people, you know, most people, especially listening to this, understand, you know, you have a consciousness, subconscious mind, the speed of which so I'm in it, I've been in it. (06:39): So I do, I have a lot of things that relate back to it just because it's something I know and it translates very well, but your, your conscious mind operates at about 2000 bits per second, not shabby, you know, 2000, you know, two K bits per second, not too bad. Your subconscious mind operates at 4 billion, 4 billion bits per second. And people talk about this in alderman things, but there's a book by Pam grout that it would take 8,000 average size novels to fit 4 billion zeros. So every second, you, you were basically comprehending 4 billion. It would take 8,000 average sized books to write 4 billion zeros at 2000. That is one half of 1 millionth of a percent of what you're processing. So you are consciously aware of only one half of 1 millionth of a percent of what your complete mind is actually processing. You know, and, and one of the other things that that was taught was, you know, how many pin dots can you do in a second? (07:46): So if you had a pen and you just, you know, tapping on the page and making dots, you know, how many dots could you do if let's say you did. the highest I've gone is like five or six dots per second, but let's just to make it easy. Let's say you could do 10 dots in a second on paper, you had a pen and you could do 10 every single second over and over and over and over again, it would take you only about three and a half minutes to do 2000 dots. It would take you 12.5 years to do 4 billion. That's how much processing power your subconscious mind has. It's unbelievable. You know, if you were to, for instance, move your finger consciously, it would take your conscious mind weeks, probably months to move your finger where your subconscious mind knows every ligament, every muscle, everything that needs to happen. (08:37): It knows to do that. And what you're consciously aware of is really based on your programming. It's based on who you are, where you've been, the things you've seen, what you've been programmed. And I like to call this the Porsche principle. And I say only because it became very apparent when, when I first, you know, one of, one of the things that I wanted more than anything was a porche. So when I finally, you know, got successful and enhance some money, I went out and bought a Porsche. And I'm telling you on the way home, all of a sudden at that corner, at that corner over there, there was a porch. There's a porch that is just like mine. But until I became consciously aware of that, I didn't notice those. But the second I became consciously aware, I started noticing those. And if you think about that, if we expand that out a little bit, if we're consciously aware of successful things, we're going to start seeing successful things out there. If we're in a negative state and, and we're, you know, we're going to start seeing negative things, that's all we're going to see out there. You know, for me, the only job the conscious mind should do is ID problems, formulate goals, and turn it over and get the hell out of the way. That's the only thing our conscious mind should be doing. One of the things that I like to, (10:03): To kind of talk about just because I think it shows the vastness of our mind is, think about a self driving car. Now, self driving, car Tesla, you know, the latest and greatest. This is the latest technology that we have for cars. You know that a Tesla, it's got multiple computers, running, everything. It's got, you know, sensors all the way around the car has got cameras all the way around the car. You know, it's sitting there driving, it's reading signs. It's seeing the distance between cars in front of it. It's seeing the, the lines in the road. It's seeing people come up behind, has all this power and all this technology. When you first started driving, you remember how hard it was. It was because you were driving consciously. You were trying to do all of that stuff at your slow ass, 2000 bits per second, and trying to drive at 2000 bits per second. You can't take in all that data, all that stuff, and process it with only 2000 bits per second. But what did you do after about two or three months, you completely turned over driving to your subconscious mind through habit. You completely nowadays, you you're sitting there driving down the road, eating, drinking, texting, looking through Facebook, listening to podcasts. I hope. And you did that within a couple months. You completely turned over that entire process in a few months without even realizing it. (11:35): And you didn't think twice about it. You didn't even think about, Hey, I've just turned that whole process over. That's the highest technology we have. Computers and cars is just doing what you did automatically in three to, you know, three to six months. That's just how powerful it is. And this book means so much to me because of what it has done to my life. It's explained so many things, you know, a brief story about me is I remember when I was 15 and I was living on my own and I was working menial jobs. I was washing dishes. I was working at subway shops, not, not subway. This was prior to subway, but working at a subway shops, washing dishes, you know, a dishwashing, I was doing all these jobs and I remember 15 on my own. And I just didn't know that there was a way out, I thought. (12:33): And I thought there has to be a better way. There has to be something that these other people are getting, that I'm not getting. You know, I would look around the restaurant when I was, you know, busing tables. I think it was somewhat of an upscale restaurant. And I would think, God, what are these people doing that I'm not doing? What do they have? I don't, how can they do what they do? I just didn't understand it. And luckily I got mentors and, you know, and did the steps within think and grow rich without think and grow rich, but with the same exact laws of success, and it completely changed my mind. In 15 years, I went from washing dishes, living on my own, high drop out. I actually kicked out in the ninth grade in 15 years to running my own company, multimillion dollar company that I started by the time I was 30. (13:26): So in 15 years, and that's one of the biggest things. People we just, we overestimate what we can do in a year. And we completely underestimate what we can do in 15 years or in 10 years now, going through this challenge, I really want you to have an open mind you know, even if the information does not fit with what your current belief system is, and we're going to be talking a lot about belief system and I call it BS. So belief system BS, your BS yeah. Is your belief system. And one of the things I wanted to play for you is I wanted to play a little thing from Napoleon Hill. And it has some great meaning, but I really wanted to bring him in on this. And, and, and have you get the feeling of his voice and, and, and what he was doing. So let's listen to this real quick. (14:19): And now may I reach out across the space and the time which separated us and offer you a hand of friendship and a sincere prayer that you will be blessed with a richer and fuller life because of this message, your big opportunity may be right where you are now follow these instructions faithfully. And it will reveal itself to you. This is Napoleon Hill saying, don't search for opportunity in the distance, but recognize it and embrace it right where you are. (14:54): Wow. Don't look for opportunity in the distance, recognize it and embrace it right where you are. That is really what this is, recognize what you have embrace it and move. That is that, that is some that is very, very powerful. Okay. So let's actually get into the challenge. So today's challenge is actually on the introduction. It's not one of the 13 steps. It is how many people actually read the damn introduction? I never read the damn introduction of a book, but it's an introduction it's and I have in the book, but there is so much gold in this introduction. And matter of fact, I think the newer versions of the book, it's actually not called the introduction anymore. I think it's a thoughts or things or the power of thought, and there's various different things. But I think that's what it's called now, because there is so much gold within this, within this chapter. (15:47): And you know, part of this challenge, you got the book to download and it's line number because we're going to every once in a while, we'll go into things and into the book and I'll read stuff from the book and I'll give you the line number and the page number, just so you can follow along or you can go back and reference it if you'd like. So we're going to start off right here at the beginning. Page 10 is the first damn paragraph of the introduction of the book. Truly thoughts are things and powerful things at that. Now he'll get to stop right there. And that's a complete sentence, right? But that's not the whole thing. And I think that's one of the biggest confusions people have when they come into, you know, personal development is, is they start hearing these things and they think, well, thoughts are things well, thoughts? (16:33): Aren't things. Thoughts are nothing. They're part of the ether. They're not things, but they are there things in their power things, but it's only when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for, for their translation into riches or other material objects. He puts it right there or other material objects. This isn't about money. He focused again on money because at the time I hate to tell you this, but that is, think about it as if one of your children or one of your family members was sick and you had to do one thing to raise the money, or you had to do something to help your level and get better. I guarantee that you would have one, a single desire, wouldn't be a multiple things. It would be get what you need to help your loved one. You'd be persistent as hell. (17:30): And you would have that burning desire. That's kind of where you want to be. And actually that's what the book. So the steps support you getting there. The 13 steps support you getting persistent support. You lighting a fire under your ass to have a burning, you know, support. You getting a definite NSF plans have a purpose. That's what the steps were about. And I think one of the best when he talks about the 50 cent lesson on persistence, and I don't know about you, but when I read that, it, it almost makes me sick to my stomach because of when this was written. You know, I think it's such a valuable thing in there, and it's such a powerful, but at the same time, it really does almost make me sick to my semi because how we as humans treated other humans, you know, we're going through a big race relations right now in, in, in this country and in the world. (18:27): And although we're better than we were when this, when this book was written, we still have a long ways to go. But if you look at the story for the story, absolutely demonstrates this young child nailed what success takes. She, this little child absolutely nailed it. If you've read, you know, if you've read it, you know, right. You know, she's, she has a definite purpose. She wants her, or she wants her money. She has desire a burning desire board. She's not leaving. And she is persistent. You think she's going to leave there? No, she won't leave there until she gets what she wants. But here to me, here's the most powerful portion of that little story. And that is right when the shit was about to hit the fan, you know, right. When he was going to come at her with a swatch, she did something extremely powerful. (19:23): She didn't bow down. She stepped forward and demanded what she wanted. She didn't just demand what she wanted. She stepped forward and demanded what she wanted. That is such a powerful, powerful story. Let's move on with this, with the chapter, let's go to page 10, line 22 through 27. And this is when Barnes wanted to go into business with Edison. Now let's think about that for a second. When Barnes wanted going, that is like me going to Elon Musk's office or Richard Branson's office and announcing, Hey, I'm, I'm coming into business with you. You know, Edison was no small person. This was, you know, the, the Elon Musk of the time. So let's read that, you know, when this desire or impulse of thought first splashed into his mind, and we're talking about Barnes here, he was in no position to act upon it, to difficulty student his way, one. (20:20): He did not know mr. Edison. It's like, he didn't even know him. And he did not even have enough money to pay his railroad, his railroad, a bear to orange, New Jersey. So think about it. This guy had this flash of an idea and thought, man, I want to go into business with mr. Edison. I'm going to go into business with mr. Edison. And he didn't even know didn't even know him. Didn't know how he was going to do it. And here's the thing. When any idea that we have, so that idea, he didn't know how he was going to do it. He didn't know, you know, didn't have the money for it. He didn't have the time, you know, he didn't have anything. And what do we do when we get these ideas? You know, when we have these, it's like putting a square peg in a round hole, when you have these ideas, the first thing that we normally think of is, (21:12): Oh man, that's a great idea, but I don't have the time. I don't have the resources. I don't know the people, you know, I don't know how I'm going to do that idea. And we just give up on that idea. And so move on to page 31 excuse me, page 10, line 31 through 36 is he presented himself and mr. Edison's laboratory announced that he had come to go into business with the inventor. And speaking of the first meeting between Barnes and Edison years later, mr. Edison said, he stood before me there. Or he stood there before me looking like an ordinary tramp. Basically he looked like a hobo to, to, to mr. Edison. But there was something in the expression of his face, which conveyed the impression that he was determined to get what he would come. He'd come for. Think about that. (22:06): How many times do you know, have you seen people that when you, when you meet them, you know, you know that that is their dominant, that you, you feel that before they come in the room, you know, the vibrations that we have, you know, we feel those vibrations of others before we even see them, the vibrations that we have. So he knew he was determined and Edison could not only listen to it, but he saw it. He felt it, he knew there was something different about the way Barnes presented himself. It's because he had the burning desire and the faith that he was going to do it. So today's challenge on introduction. Again, this is not one of the steps, but there is such good stuff within this chapter that we've got a challenge for today. And if you're, you know, if you're listening, if you're watching, there's going to be a link within, within whatever we're, whatever platform you're on to download the D the challenge for today. (23:05): So go download the challenge and actually do this work, do this every day as we move forward. And I guarantee by the end of 14 days, you're going to have a much clearer path and plan on how you're going to get what ever it is that you desire. So on the introduction, the first thing is write down the three things necessary to convert thought into their physical object, into the physical realm of things. And again, it's the definiteness of purpose. It's the burning fricking desire, and it's being persistent as shit until you get what you want. You know, success comes to those who are success conscious. This book builds that and the universe will provide what we hold in our mind, what we think we become. And then again, I'm trying to part of this, especially the beginning is I want to get us in a place where we take inventory of our thoughts. (24:05): We kind of know where we are. We can't do better until we know where we are until we have a good assessment of where we are. So there's three, basically three things on the, on the first page. And that is answer these spend 30 minutes doing these first one is what do you spend most time thinking about? Are these thoughts getting you closer or further from me, dreams sit down and, and what are, what are you really thinking? You know, you're going to have to sit down in a quiet spot and kind of take inventory of what you're thinking. And then also for the next 24 hours, I want you to place a tick Mark in this box. Every time you have a negative thought or limiting belief, you know, how many tick marks did you get? We're going to see a part of the part tomorrow. (24:47): We're going to, we're going to see how many tick marks you got. And I did this when I was first starting out in doing this stuff, and I was blown away by how many tick marks I have. I thought, yeah, I have some negative thoughts here and there. Oh, I'm stupid. Oh, I can do that. Who do you thank you are. I had so many tick marks. You might need an extra page. You might, I'll allow you to get an extra page to Mark all the tick marks. And what my goal with this is, as we start recognizing these limiting beliefs or these negative thoughts by making you Mark them down, you start seeing them, or you start getting more aware, you start realizing that you have them. And you'll be able to recognize them quicker because you're writing them down. (25:31): So write that, put a tick Mark, every time you have a negative thought. And then the next part is really just getting a self assessment of where you are. And we'll take this assessment again at the end. But this is really a success conscious self assessment. It's 20 questions, all of them are answered as always, sometimes, or never. And you get your total at the end, just gives you a good feeling of where you are, you know, where you are in the process of having a success conscious mind. Yeah. And you will see it. These are some great questions to make you think. So until tomorrow tomorrow's a challenge is going to be on desire, how you're gonna like that. It is a fantastic challenge as well. So do this work today, we're going to spend again, 20 to 30 minutes. Most of these challenges shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to an hour at most. The one on imagination might take about an hour and a half, but in general, it's not going to take you a great deal of time, but let's do this. Let's actually get some work done instead of just reading a damn book, let's take the steps and let's do something. So until tomorrow I will see you guys love you. Bye.