The 2019 Thirst Report

Thirst Aid Kit - A podcast by Slate Podcasts


What a year 2019 has been! After a 9-month hiatus, Thirst Aid Kit found a new home at Slate and we had much to catch up on— so much so that we weren’t able to get to as many listener-submitted drabbles or Thirst Sommelier requests as we wanted. In this episode, we correct that oversight by answering some questions from our tumblr page, helping a couple of Thirst Buckets find a new Nick Miller from New Girl and a new Nicholas Braun (aka Cousin Greg of Succession) to crush on, and by reading some drabbles about Chris Evans, Frank Ocean, and Chris Pang. We also highlight some key moments in thirst: Manny Jacinto’s infamous jawline, Keanu Reeves’ Renaissance, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II’s everything, and Chris Evans’ knitwear in Knives Out! Thank you to all of our listeners, old and new, for lusting out loud with us. We’ll be back in the new year, and until then, stay thirsty! Follow us on Twitter @ThirstAidKit. Bim is @bimadew and Nichole is @tnwhiskeywoman. Our music is by Tanya Morgan. You can find show notes, gifs and so much more on our Tumblr at You can make use of our Thirst Sommelier service by calling and leaving a BRIEF message at (510) 984 4778. That’s (510) 9-THIRST. We also love fanfic — send us your drabbles (along with your pronouns) and we might read them out on the show! We’re at [email protected].