Carbon Farming on Māori Land - Blair Jamieson, Tāmata Hauhā

This Climate Business - A podcast by Podcasts NZ / Vincent Heeringa


So much farmland – a million hectares according to one estimate – is mostly unfarmable because its erosion-prone, too steep, or inaccessible. In decades past that land might be destinated for forestry or just abandoned to return to scrub. Either way, the return on investment was poor. But now, thanks to the Emissions Trading Scheme, some of that land is destined to become permanent forest, with emission credits earned by the landowner. This so-called carbon-farming could be a lifesaver for some though it’s a worry for others, who point out that these permanent forests are always exotic trees, especially pines – colonisation here we go again. What we need is more native ngahere not more foreign pests. Negotiating a way through this is Tāmata Hauhā, a Māori owned carbon farming business dedicated to help Māori landowners make the most of the ETS to earn income for their marginal lands. To explain how the scheme works, Vincent spoke to founder and CEO Blair Jamieson.