231 – Force Majeure

This Had Oscar Buzz - A podcast by Joe and Chris


We’re taking another dive into the Best International Feature category this week to talk about one of the biggest world cinema successes of the past year, Ruben Östlund. Though he made films before it, 2014 catapulted Östlund with the Cannes premiere of Force Majeure, a dark satire of masculinity, and relationships dynamics, and fight-or-flight impulses. The film continued on the fall festival circuit, amassing critical acclaim and advancing to the Foreign Language Film bake-off list as Sweden’s submission. However, on nomination morning, Force Majeure missed a heavily-predicted nomination. This episode, we discuss Östlund’s reaction video to missing the Oscar nomination and the films that followed, including two Palme d’Or wins and now Picture/Director/Screenplay nominations for his Triangle of Sadness. We also discuss the immediately pre-COVID American remake Downhill, the lack of an International frontrunner in the 2014 race, and other directors who have won multiple Palmes. Topics also include this year’s AARP Movies for Grownup awards, shading the International winner that year Ida, and sauna moshpitting. Follow Us on Twitter! @Had_Oscar_Buzz Joe: @joereid Chris: @chrisvfeil