120| "Video is My Marketing Now!" Student Spotlight Lindsey Myers
This Is Virginia Kerr: Video and Marketing Hacks for Women - A podcast by Virginia Kerr

Are you ready to take your video to the next level? Lindsey Myers used to be in your shoes. Struggling with how to edit, how to structure a Reel so it gets views and most importantly- how to show up as the real Lindsey. She didn't want to do trends or act like someone she wasn't. But after taking This Is Video School (my video program) and implementing the powerful strategies..her Instagram and TikTok accounts exploded and she now sees money coming in just from showing up on video. In this episode, Lindsey the owner of Created Colorful shares how she uses video to convert followers into clients using simple steps anyone with an online buisness and video can do. Plus she's giving us great tips on choosing the right colors to wear on video! P.S. Don't miss out on my two day Spring Special. You can save $100 on lifetime access when you join This Is VIdeo School May 9th and 10th Click here to join This Is Video School! Check out Lindsey on Instagram @CreatedColorful here.