124| The Content You Need to Increase Engagement
This Is Virginia Kerr: Video and Marketing Hacks for Women - A podcast by Virginia Kerr

Have you noticed the content that used to work for you doesn't seem to get the comments and shares it once did? Maybe you have always had low engagement and never figured out why. It's simple. If you don't stand out in your industry. If your content is forgettable or if you never even grab people's attention in the first place...you will always have low engagement. Remember- views don't pay the bills- costumers do- but if you cant get people to feel anything enough to engage- they're not buying. In this episode, I'm breaking down content ideas that will boost engagement and sales with tons of examples. Want to learn more about my Mastermind This Is YouTube School? Click here. Save $200 on our next round that starts October 4th.