017 / Intuitive Eating...Eat What You Need When You Need It With Alicia Romano
This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil - A podcast by Nicole Kalil, Bleav

In this episode, I welcome my special guest Alicia Romano - Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, to share her perspective on the importance of nourishing our bodies both on and off the plate. Alicia helps guide us BACK to the basics of understanding what our bodies really need to function at our best. And guess what? Traditional dieting doesn’t play a role in any of this. So many of us have unhealthy relationships with food, and for a lot of us, our food fears have kicked into high gear during this time. My consumption of cheese and wine has hit an all-time high...HELLO emotional eating! But I love how Alicia says “That’s ok” and to give grace and kindness to ourselves, and how cravings aren’t such a bad thing after all. Big bad craving monster...take that! What if we shifted our focus and took on this concept of choosing our food based on how it’ll make us feel, as opposed to how it’ll make us look? For me, this is a much healthier (and somewhat freeing!) way to live. I’m excited to share Alicia’s perspective and am committed to putting it into practice myself. I hope you’ll join me! This is Woman’s Work To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com