PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1339
This Week in Amateur Radio - A podcast by George Bowen, W2XBS - Sundays

PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1339 - Full Version Release Date: October 26, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Denny Haight, NZ8D, Dave Wilson, WA2HOY, Terry Walker, KI5ODE, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Will Rogers, K5WLR, Joshua Marler, AA4WX, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Approximate Running Time: 1:35:20 Podcast Download (temp): https://bit.ly/TWIAR1339 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service 1. AMSAT: SpaceX Achieves First Super Heavy Booster Catch in Landmark Starship Flight 2. AMSAT: NASA's Europa Clipper Embarks on Epic Journey to Explore Alien Ocean World 3. AMSAT: European Spacecraft Launches to Investigate NASA's Asteroid Defense Test 4. AMSAT: Satellite Shorts from All Over 5. WIA: International Amateur Radio Union to Celebrate Its Centenary In 2025 6. SN: Intelsat 33e Breaks Up in Geostationary Orbit 7. RW: Helicopter Tower Collision Takes Four Lives in Houston 8. ARRL: Handbook 101: A New Generation of Amateur Radio 9. ARRL: Dream Rig Contest Underway 10. ARRL: ARRL Systems Service Disruption Update 11. ARRL: 2024 Pacificon Inspires Next Generation of Radio Amateurs 12. ARRL: Online Ham Bootcamp Coming Up on Saturday, November 9th, 2024 13. ARRL: 86th Anniversary of The Orson Welles Broadcast of War of the Worlds 14. YASME Grant Presented to Tunisian Amateur Radio Camp for Youngsters 15. Shortwave Broadcaster in Austria Faces Shutdown 16. French Experiment in Laser Communications Is a Success 17. Another Of the Navajo Code Talkers John Kinsel Senior Passes At 107 18. Amateurs In New Zealand Put Volcanoes on The Air 19. 76 Years of Air Force MARS Marked by November Special Event Station 20. Upcoming RadioSport Contests and Regional Convention/Hamfest Listings 21. WIA: 40 Meter band plan harmonization - WIA announces next steps 22. WIA: Russian state media radio and television targeted in cyberattack 23. ARS: SpaceX tells the FCC that it has plans to make Starlink about 10 times faster 24. FCC: FCC proposes fine against ESPN for violation of the Emergency Alert Rules 25. ARDC: Amateur Radio Digital Communications announces its new Director of Technology Plus these Special Features This Week: * Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO - AMSAT Satellite News * Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, will tell us how amateur radio connects us in unexpected ways * The DX Corner with Bill Salyers, AJ8B with news on DXpeditions, DX, upcoming Radio Sport contests and more * Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL * Will Rogers - K5WLR - A Century of Amateur Radio. This week, this week, Will puts us all into The Wayback Machine to the early nineteen hundreds. In a segment Will calls The Lid: It's war in 1917 and amateurs across the country are totally shut down, putting the lid on both transmitting and receiving by the government ----- Website: https://www.twiar.net X: https://x.com/TWIAR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twiari YouTube: https://bit.ly/TWIARYouTube RSS News: https://twiar.net/?feed=rss2 Automated (Full): https://twiar.net/TWIARHAM.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) Automated (1-hour): https://www.twiar.net/TWIAR1HR.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) ----- This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at [email protected]. Thanks to FortifiedNet.net for the server space! Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.