PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1343

This Week in Amateur Radio - A podcast by George Bowen, W2XBS - Sundays

PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1343 - Full Version Release Date: November 23, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Denny Haight, NZ8D, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Rich Lawrence, KB2MOB, Will Rogers, K5WLR, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, William Savacool, K2SAV, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Approximate Running Time: 1:40:30 Podcast Download: https://bit.ly/TWIAR1343 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service 1. FCC: Trump Picks Brendan Carr To Lead The Federal Communications Commission 2. AMSAT: AMSAT OSCAR-7 50th Anniversary - A Testbed For Saving Lives 3. AMSAT: SpaceX Dragon Fires Thrusters To Boost ISS Orbit For The First Time 4. AMSAT: Satellite Shorts From All Over 5. WIA: HamVention 2025 Announces Convention Theme 6. WIA: White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club On Air 7. WIA: Amazon Receives FAA Approval For MK30 Delivery Drone 8. WIA: Amateur Radio Appears In German Crime Drama On ZDF 9. BBC: Somebody Moved UK's Oldest Satellite, And No One Knows Who Or Why 10. FCC: FCC's Final Moves Under Rosenworcel Hold Weight For Radio 11. ARRL: Committee Proposes Changes To ARRL By-Laws 42 and 46 12. ARRL: Fall Season Section Manager Election Results Announced 13. ARRL: New Video Promoting YouTube Telethon To Benefit Teachers Institute 14. ARRL: The Quarter Century Wireless Association Is Sponsoring A Special Event Station 15. ARRL: Hawaii Is Preparing For The 83rd Commemoration Of The December 7th, 1941, Attack On Pearl Harbor 16. 30th Year Since Voice Of America Went Silent From Ohio Transmitter Site 17. WB4GOV, John Bostic Of SouthCars Net, Silent Key 18. Chinese and Russian Students Begin QSO's On Their CubeSat 19. You Can Work Young Amateurs During Youth On The Air Month 20. ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator Implements Changes 21. 25th Annual SKYWARN Recognition Day December 7th, 2024 22. Amateurs Help New Network In New Zealand Expand 23. FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel Announces Resignation 24. Utah DX Association to operate special event station K7S to celebrate the 60th anniversary amateur radio stamp 25. Northern Arizona DX Association Battery Boys donate air compressor to Toys for Tots 26. ARRL: Upcoming conventions and radio sport contests. ARRL holiday closing schedule. 27. WIA: Several amateur radio satellites are nearing the end of life re-entry 28. ARD: VLF transmitter SAQ to transmit CW for its 100th anniversary 29. ARRL: ARRL delegates attended International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 Conference 30. ARRL: NCVEC Question Pool Committee removes two questions from General and Extra question pools 31. ARRL: 2024 ARRL Board of Directors election results are announced Plus these Special Features This Week: * Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO - AMSAT Satellite News * Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, will attempt to answer the question, Why does your wi-fi connection drop out when you are cooking your lunch? * The DX Corner with Bill Salyers, AJ8B with news on DXpeditions, DX, upcoming radio sport contests and more. * Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL * Will Rogers, K5WLR, A Century of Amateur Radio, This week, Will takes us back to the end of World War One to witness the amateurs of the time starting the lengthy process of getting permission to get back on the air. ----- Website: https://www.twiar.net X: https://x.com/TWIAR Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/twiar.bsky.social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twiari YouTube: https://bit.ly/TWIARYouTube RSS News: https://twiar.net/?feed=rss2 Automated (Full): https://twiar.net/TWIARHAM.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) Automated (1-hour): https://www.twiar.net/TWIAR1HR.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) ----- This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at [email protected]. Thanks to FortifiedNet.net for the server space! Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.