February 12, 2011: The Odds Are Not In V's Favor
This Week In Fandom History - A podcast by V. Arrow, Emily Jaye

Thank you for your consideration! This week, V and Emily are joined by a very special guest, Heidi Tandy AKA Heidi8, who is on the show to explain the intricacies of fandom and copyright law because, well, she was V's attorney for the event this week in fandom history. In 2011, V made a fanwork map of the fictional country of Panem from The Hunger Games novels -- not the movies, which had not even been officially announced yet -- and in 2023, Lionsgate released an official map of Panem that looks... extremely similar. (You can see a side-by-side on our website, http://www.thisweekinfandomhistory.com). Emily and V had questions for Heidi about what fans can do to better protect themselves and their fanworks from poaching by big corporations, what exactly constitutes fair use, and whether V is allowed to say that the whole happening sucked. Have you ever created something that became canon? Would you want to interact that way with your fave fandom? Sources Original Map Post - LJ Original Map Post - Tumblr Booklist Review of The Panem Companion This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history! Follow This Week in Fandom History on Tumblr at @thisweekinfandomhistory You can support the show via our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/thisweekinfandomhistory. If you have a fannish company, event, or service and would like to sponsor or partner with TWIFH, please contact us via our website. Please remember to rate the show 5 stars on your listening platform of choice!