November 9, 2010: Blaine Anderson Warbles "Teenage Dream"
This Week In Fandom History - A podcast by V. Arrow, Emily Jaye

The Warblers are like rockstars here! This week, Emily and V look at the juggernaut slash ship to come out of Glee: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, AKA Klaine, which was born in the space of three glorious musical minutes this week in fandom history in 2010, when Blaine (Darren Criss) serenaded Kurt and the rest of Dalton Academy's student body with an accappella rendition of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and hearts around the world exploded into confetti and tiny birds. We also discuss the logistics of using slushies as a weapon for an INORDINATE length of time. Were you a Klaine shipper? What did YOU miss on Glee? Sources YouTube This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history! Follow This Week in Fandom History on Tumblr at @thisweekinfandomhistory You can support the show via our Patreon at If you have a fannish company, event, or service and would like to sponsor or partner with TWIFH, please contact us via the Tumblr link above. Please remember to rate the show 5 stars on your listening platform of choice!