11: How to Prevent Being Manipulated

Thrive After Abuse - A podcast by Dana Morningstar

Manipulation does not always look like we think it does. Most manipulation is very subtle and it starts gradually--and is a slow decent into big trouble. Here are a few things to look out for.

Pay attention to how you feel. Manipulation goes hand-in-hand with feeling confused. It's like the saying goes, if things don't add up, it's because the truth is not in the equation.  

Think about how you feel when you are around people that have earned your trust. You feel calm, clear, relaxed. You don't feel distrusting, suspicious, or confused. If you feel like something is off, odds are it's because something is off...or because there are unresolved issues in the past to where trust hasn't been properly restored (which is the job of the person who broke the trust, it's not on you).  

...Have a question you'd like answered in a future podcast episode or YouTube video? If so, send me an email me at: [email protected]  (make sure to use a name that you feel comfortable with me putting on the air).  


Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, or more information about narcissism in general?  You can find me (Dana Morningstar) at:



