Episode 3: Help! Is He a Narcissist or Am I the One With the Issues?
Thrive After Abuse - A podcast by Dana Morningstar

Does your relationship leave you feeling confused? Do they threaten to be dating others but then say they were joking and you are crazy for believing their "joke?" Does the person you are dating seem possessive but say they are protecting you? Do you find yourself feeling anxious, insecure, or googling their behavior in an attempt to get clarity about what's going on?
None of this is normal behavior, and ALL of these signs are some major red flags that you are in a relationship with a person who is controlling and emotionally abusive.
...Have a question you'd like answered in a future podcast episode or YouTube video? If so, send me an email me at: [email protected] (make sure to use a name that you feel comfortable with me putting on the air).
Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, or more information about narcissism in general? You can find me (Dana Morningstar) at: