EP 14: The Mind Games that Challenge Our Success When Seeking Wellness
Thrive Sister Thrive! Holistic Wellness for Women Over 40 - A podcast by Stacee Lynn

Do you have something that you really want to accomplish, I mean something that you care deeply about, yet you just can not seem to make any progress on it? Are you frustrated because you can’t figure out why this is? Well my friend... this episode will likely clear that up for you! We’re going to explore why oftentimes it’s so damn difficult to make progress on health and wellness goals that are important to us. I mean, shouldn’t it be easier to get them done if they’re important? Yes! Right? Well turns out there’s a twist, and it’s name is Resistance - and let me tell you… it is both sneaky and incredibly destructive. However, once we know what it is, why it is, and how to catch it in the act… we can stop it in its tracks and we can change our life. So I’d say it’s definitely a concept worth contemplating. Let’s get into it! A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode… WHAT is Resistance, and how does it feel when it shows up? WHY does Resistance show up? WHEN do we experience Resistance the most - when is it strongest? HOW Resistance shows up - what it can look like in our day-to-day life. TIPS to overcoming Resistance! ~ SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/14 CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive