EP 23: Getting Out of Overwhelm - 7 Ways to Do It!
Thrive Sister Thrive! Holistic Wellness for Women Over 40 - A podcast by Stacee Lynn

How often do you find yourself in a state of overwhelm these days? I have to say… I’ve been having to pull myself out of that place pretty often over the last several months. Luckily, I’ve learned some really effective ways to do that over the years, so I thought it would be nice to come on the pod and share what I’ve learned with you, in case you too find yourself in a state of overwhelm and want to intentionally and actively move yourself out of that place, and back to the more calm and centered version of yourself. Remember her? Let’s do it! Some highlights from this episode: How do you know if you’re in a state of overwhelm? 7 really effective ways to get out of a state of overwhelm and become more centered and relaxed ( and how to prevent it in the first place ). Several great resources that can help you get (and stay) out of overwhelm. ~ SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: thrivesisterthrive.com/23 FREE Ziva Meditation Self-Care Center: thrivesisterthrive.com/free-ziva-self-care-center CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive Affiliate Disclosure