Using Summer To Create An Amazing School Year With Guest Dr. Laura Reber
Thriving in the Midst of Chaos: Parenting With Special Needs Kids - A podcast by Jessica Temple

Episode 106: Using Summer To Create An Amazing School Year With Guest Dr. Laura Reber In this episode, guest Dr. Laura Reber discusses maximizing your summer to help your child with the school year. She discussed the importance of learning executive functioning skills. To help transition from school to summer, keep schedules similar (meals, sleep, activities), set expectations that the children are aware of, consider ESY, and ask the school what you can do at home to maintain skills over the summer. Keep working on literacy over the summer, in whatever way works for your child. She recommends doing reading and writing every day, continue working on IEP goals, read classic books, make a reading club with your child, starting book clubs with friends and neighbors, write with fun stimuli like stickers and shaving cream, pass notes with your child, and teach math by playing games outside with sidewalk chalk. To prepare to return for the fall, check in with the teacher about what the school year will look like and what that will bring, help your student prepare for the schedule or any changes, use social stories, and have your child reconnect with school friends. To help bolster executive functioning, have your child plan fieldtrips and plant a garden. Progress Parade Awesome Resources ABC Mouse Links: Email us if you have any questions or ideas! We are now on instagram! Check out updates on our website. Follow Thriving on Twitter. Check us out on Facebook! We are also on Pinterest! Please subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store, or wherever you find your podcasts, Leave us a 5-star review, to help us know what you like and what you don't like, and to make sure other like-minded people find support through this podcast. Show Music: Intro Outro: Intro Outro 2 by Mattias Lahoud under CC-BY 3.0 License ( Theme Song: 90s rock style by monkeyman535 under CC-BY 3.0 License ( Self Care Song: Green and Orange No Water by Duncan Alex under CC-BY 3.0 License ( Hosted by: Jessica Temple and Lewis Temple Disclaimer: Our show is not designed to provide listeners with specific or personal legal, medical, or professional services or advice. Parents of children with health issues should always consult their health care provider for medical advice, medication, or treatment. Copyright 2021 Jessica Temple